Info Tech The week-long Game Developers Conference is kicking off today in San Fransisco, and this marks the last major industry event before the new virtual reality headsets start shipping to the public. At last, modern VR is finally coming to fruition, and we’ll be covering it all this week here at ExtremeTech in our first-ever VR Week.
The Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR are all scheduled for retail releases before Q3 2016, so let’s take this opportunity to look at what each model has to offer, how much money it’ll cost, and whether or not it’s even worth bothering with just yet.
Oculus Rift
When you think about VR, the Oculus Rift almost certainly comes to mind. In 2012, theOculus Rift Kickstarter sparked widespread interest in what was considered a failed technology, and that lead to Mark Zuckerberg noticing the spunky start-up. With thebacking of Facebook, the Oculus team has put together an impressive little package that finally begins shipping for real later this month.
As exciting as that might sound at first, there’s plenty of reasons to hold off on making your purchase. First and foremost, you need a very beefy PC to power the headset properly. Oculus recommends an i5-4590 or better, a GTX 970/R9 290 or better, at least 8GB of RAM, three USB 3.0 ports, a USB 2.0 port, and an HDMI 1.3 port. And despite partnering with Dell and Asus to sell slightly discounted PCs bundled with the Rift, you’re still going to be paying at least $949. You can save money by building your own rig, but that’s a very high barrier to entry.
There’s also the $599 price tag. While it’s not outrageously priced for what you get, most people simply aren’t willing to spend that much money on a novelty that still very well might crash and burn. Even though the estimated ship date for new orders has already slipped four months past the launch, that doesn’t necessarily mean strong preorders. Oculus might simply be heavily supply constrained.
But beyond the high initial buy-in, there’s another big issue to consider: longevity. Last year, Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe told Game Informer that his team plans on delivering anew dev kit and retail release relatively quickly. That said, you could get a lot of gaming out of this headset before that happens, and plans don’t necessarily translate into real-world ship dates.
At a glance:
- Cost: $599
- Included equipment: the headset, the tracking sensor, a remote, and an Xbox One controller
- Resolution: 2160×1200
- Refresh rate: 90Hz
- Field of view: ≥100 degrees*
- Bundled games: EVE: Valkyrie, Lucky’s Tale
- Earliest availability: March 28, 2016
- Estimated ship date of new orders: July 2016
* An older version of the Oculus Rift website listed the field of view as 100 degrees, but the current site simply states that it has a “wide field of view.”
HTC Vive
Much ado has been made of the Vive’s $200 premium over the Rift, but that widespread concern is probably overblown. Not only does it ship with two motion controllers and two sensors, but the difference is minimal when you look at the total cost. If you’re willing to spend about $1,600 for a Rift set-up, what’s an additional 200 bucks for motion controllers at that point?
In terms of recommended PC specs, the Vive is roughly on par with the Rift. The officialHTC site says you should have an i5-4590/FX 8350 or better, a GTX 970/R9 290 or better, at least 4GB of RAM, one USB 2.0 port, and either an HDMI 1.4 port or a DisplayPort 1.2 port. The total number of ports and amount of RAM required are significantly less than the Rift needs, but we’re still talking about a very expensive gaming PC.
Now, HTC isn’t quite the money-making machine that Facebook is, but it’s safe to assume that this Taiwanese tech company is in this for the long haul. I wouldn’t be surprised to see HTC quickly iterate on the product after the initial release — just like Oculus. And even if HTC is eventually forced to drop out of the VR game, Valve has more than enough business savvy to partner with another manufacturer for the purposes of SteamVR.
At a glance:
- Cost: $799
- Included equipment: the headset, two tracking sensors, two wireless controllers, a “link box,” and earbuds
- Resolution: 2160×1200
- Refresh rate: 90Hz
- Field of view: 110 degrees
- Bundled games: Job Simulator, Fantastic Contraption
- Earliest availability: April 2016
- Estimated ship date of new orders: April 2016
PlayStation VR
As of right now, we’re still missing some vital information regarding the PlayStation VR. That won’t last long, though. Supposedly, we’ll get much more information regarding the price, final specs, and release date on the 15th. That said, we can still make some relatively safe assumptions.
Back at last year’s Tokyo Game Show, Sony’s Andrew House said publicly that the PSVR will be priced as a new gaming platform. That could mean anything from the $250 PlayStation Portable to the $600 PlayStation 3. But in all likelihood, we’re looking at a price somewhere in the ballpark of the PS4. Sony’s latest console is currently priced at $350, but it launched at $400 here in the US.
With the console and VR gear estimated at about $750 in total, that’s about half the price of an Oculus Rift paired with a PC. While it’s still not what I’d call consumer-friendly pricing, the PSVR is the most likely to see mainstream success any time soon. Oculus/Facebook and HTC/Valve seem to be happy enough selling to early adopters on the high end of the market for the time being.
With that lower price point comes compromise, though. Both the Rift and Vive offer a resolution of 1080×1200 per eye while the PSVR can only offer 960×1080 per eye. An overall 20% drop in resolution. And considering that the other helmets require beefy gaming PCs to drive them properly, the relatively anemic PS4 simply won’t be able to offer the same graphical fidelity anyway.
There’s been a lot of talk about the “breakout box” that sits between the headset and the PS4 itself, but there’s no reason whatsoever to believe it is designed to provide a significant boost in performance. It seems that it’s simply being used for image warping and audio processing.
And despite all of the talk of harnessing cloud computing thanks to a certain patent, expect the vast majority of the crunching to be done on the PS4 itself. After all, local latency is already a problem for VR. Sony’s won’t layer network latency on top of that.
As far as games go, a handful of standout titles like 100ft Robot Golf, RIGS, andPsychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin have been announced for the PSVR, but pickings will likely be slim right out of the gate. Truth be told, it’ll likely be even slimmer than the other two helmets simply because there are so many neat little prototypes already kicking around for free on the PC.
At a glance:
- Cost: TBA
- Included equipment: the headset, a “breakout box,” and more TBA
- Resolution: 1920×1080
- Refresh rate: 90Hz to 120Hz (with reprojection)
- Field of view: 100 degrees
- Bundled games: TBA
- First availability: TBA
- Estimated ship date of new orders: TBA
Virtually superior
On the PC side, the Rift and the Vive seem more or less on par. Sure, the Rift is less expensive, but you’re going to have to pony up extra cash if you want those sweetOculus Touch controllers later this year. HTC and Valve are leaning more heavily on the whole-room VR experience, but it seems that both headsets will likely perform similarly for sit-down VR games.
PlayStation VR is a closed platform, so despite the lackluster horsepower, at least the devs know that everyone will be running on the very same machine. Early reports of the PSVR trade show demos have been positive, but it will never be quite as powerful as the Vive and Rift. And, um, if you’re hoping to get in on some of the more adult aspects of VR, Sony’s locked-down system might be a significant road block.
As it stands, we’re excited, but cautiously optimistic, about all of the big three helmets. After we get a good idea of how they hold up, then consider grabbing the one that best fits your lifestyle. In the meantime, give Google Cardboard or Gear VR a try if you have a compatible smartphone. They’re not really in the same ballpark as the other helmets, but mobile VR is still a fun distraction.