After years of waiting, the finalized retail version of the Oculus Rift is ready for pre-order. If you decide to buy now, you’ll get the headset, the sensor, a remote control, an Xbox One controller, a copy of Lucky’s Tale, and a copy of EVE: Valkyrie for a whopping $599. Unsurprisingly, that hefty asking price hasn’t gone over well with the enthusiast crowd. Comparisons with the overpriced 3DO and PS3 launches are popping up everywhere, but these strong negative reactions don’t necessarily spell doom for VR or the Oculus Rift. Truth be told, this kerfuffle might just make the VR market stronger.
The first group of orders will start shipping on March 28th in the initial 20 markets, but the ship date for new pre-orders has already slipped to June. Even if you’re willing to pony up $599 right now, you’re probably not going to be getting your Oculus Rift until some time in Q2. The limited supply is disappointing, but it’s not entirely surprising. This isn’t a massive consumer-focused launch — it’s more of a slow rollout to the eager early adopters with deep pockets.
Earlier this week, Oculus surprised us all by announcing that everyone who pre-ordered the Oculus dev kit by backing the Kickstarter in 2012 would be getting the finalized retail hardware at no additional cost. It’s a nice gesture, but most of that goodwill seems to have gone out the window.
The negative reactions across social media have been loud, but it seems this is a failure of Oculus’s messaging — not a true indictment of expensive first-gen technology. In May of 2015, Oculus said that you’d need to spend about $1,500 for an Oculus Rift and a gaming rig capable of driving it smoothly. This $599 price tag definitely fits within that estimate, yet even the enthusiast crowd seems shocked that the final hardware is so expensive. If Oculus had simply specified the $599 asking price a few months back, it would have given us the reality check we so desperately needed.
Much has changed since the $300 dev kits of yore. The headset has been improved in every way imaginable, and it’s shipping with a bunch of important accessories at its side. Simply put, developing, manufacturing, and shipping new tech is expensive. In fact, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey says that the company isn’t profiting at all by selling the latest hardware at the $599 price point. At best, it’s breaking even. Nothing about this launch seems like a mustache-twirling cash grab. It’s just disappointing it’s out of the price range for typical consumers for the time being.
However, there is a silver lining: Oculus’s competitors will almost certainly try to exploit the sticker shock. The HTC Vive will be launching very soon, and it’s likely to be in the same ballpark, but other companies could use this opportunity to get a foothold in this brand new market. For example, Sony claims that the PlayStation VR will be priced as a “new gaming platform,” so it might just hit the same $400 price point that the PS4 launched at. After all, we saw first hand in 2013 how willing Sony is to kick their competitors while they’re down. And if Oculus starts feeling severe pressure from the competition, it will help drive the price down as soon as it’s financially feasible.